Asset Management Services


Your infrastructure investment and operation represents millions of dollars and you need it to last. AMPM designs Asset Management practices around the information you’ll need to weigh results of various asset life-cycle “what if” analyses and articulate impacts of asset investment and operation choices. Your Asset Management system (remember, it’s more than software) should allow you to proactively anticipate and predict your organization’s Asset Management needs. AMPM helps you establish meaningful performance metrics based on historical analysis; forecast future asset conditions based on existing or modified maintenance and operational practices; implement new training and coaching based on lessons learned; and share successes with teams and stakeholders. Even if you want to use the best guidance out there: PAS 55, APWA Accreditation, ISO 9000, and ISO 55000, there’s little doubt your assets represent tens, maybe hundreds, of processes with each needing definition, metrics, service levels, accountability, etc. AMPM can alleviate the burden of achieving these practices and provide a legacy of effective Asset Management for your organization.



Since various recessions in the 2000's, the mantra of public, utility, and non-profit agencies has been finding ways to "do more with less". Related to that trend is a tremendous demand from constituents and customers to see asset investments (particularly tax dollars or user fees) are being used timely, effectively, and transparently. You also need the ability to develop and send messaging about asset activity, approaches, impacts, conditions, and a wide array of other asset factors. With AMPM’s Asset Management services you will be able to make your information available to whomever you wish in your organization and beyond. AMPM designs your processes and the information produced to be easily documented for, reported to, and monitored by organizational leadership as well as customers and stakeholders.

Unfortunately the law of entropy is alive and well and it means no matter how well infrastructure assets are engineered, if left alone and never maintained or monitored, they lose their functionality.  A “system” is so much more than software.  No doubt software is a critical tool, which is why we'll work with any you have or help you select and implement one.  But a system is all the elements that function together to accomplish an end.  AMPM's services focus on overall asset system performance and will include things like return on investment, life-cycle costs, organizational structure, customer satisfaction, leadership philosophies, user aspirations, and planning future investments.


Asset Management is fundamentally about value – what’s the optimum amount and timing of asset investment to achieve your organization’s goals for asset performance levels? AMPM’s services uniquely apply business analytics (Logistics, Decision Trees, Opportunity Costs, ROIs, etc.) to establish comprehensive Asset Management systems and mature your organization’s service practices in order optimize asset maintenance costs, service performance, and life-spans. For example, you’re provided business-case level analyses on long-term outcomes of changing asset operation and maintenance approaches. You can answer whether in-house staff or a contracted vendor provide greater value to your organizational goals in the operation of particular assets. You can easily understand interrelated trends between asset preservation and asset performance. AMPM can design or provide virtually any asset value determinations you need.

AMPM understands your customers, stakeholders, and many others count on your assets. When assets aren’t properly maintained, don’t function as intended, and requests for service are not addressed timely, the perception of your organization suffers. You can’t be everywhere at one time, but with the right systems in place, you can monitor the effectiveness of your operations. AMPM can empower you with appropriate metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) on the responsiveness and customer care in your organization. Using AMPM, you’ll be able to analyze relevant management-level information and dashboards to monitor and control performance as well as optimize the use of your employees and resources.

Here are the key aspects of our Asset Management services:

AMPM Services are broadly broken into 3 categories:

  • Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Asset Management Office (AMO) Approach - If your organization wants to plan, execute, and monitor assets more effectively internally; you can use AMPM's consulting services to initiate, implement, and integrate the internal processes metrics, people, software, and tools needed to acheive radically improved results.  Just like a Project Management Office (PMO), approaching asset management as if you have an organized AMO, can help create the governance for your Asset Management processes and help assure quality and compliance.
  • Virtual AMO - An AMO creates the governance for better control of your assets and assures productivity, quality, and efficiency.  Using virtual means, AMPM can provide active monitoring, asset information coordination, troubleshooting, process assurance, on-demand analysis, report scrubbing, and deliver authentic management support right to your inbox!
  • Specialized AMO related services - If you like the idea of better asset controls and performance, but aren't in need of a full system implementation, instead you may have one, two, or three-......hundred, special projects or assignments.  AMPM is here to support any of your Asset Management needs.  We want to handle those strategic items getting pushed to the bottom of your to-do list such as staff training, tracking particular metrics, deploying mobile technology, gaining a particular certification/accreditation for your department, and everything in-between.

As the old adage goes, “you never know what you don’t know”. Having bonafide, functional systems which let you know the work it takes to operate and maintain your assets as well as their condition requires significant effort. You don’t need more data or advice. You need data transformed into information and the application of that information towards knowledge and decision making. Only then are you equipped to perform Asset Management. That’s why AMPM’s approach is meant to capture every aspect of the Asset Management life-cycle so you possess a continuously operating asset awareness system. You need to spend your time managing your assets and not building reports or analyzing processes. Let AMPM bridge the gap and assure you get the knowledge you need.