Project Management Services


AMPM can provide you with systems that enhance your client/stakeholder satisfaction. Using AMPM services we’re confident your clients and stakeholders will experience timelier delivery of projects, improved project cost performance, transparency in the execution of project work, and more frequent and accurate project communications. There is increased demand from clients and stakeholders to know not only how dollars are being spent, but when they will be spent. AMPM can enable your project teams to provide accurate project forecasting and possess a heightened awareness of project risks to provide better client advice and greater follow-thru with resolutions to issues and problems. In addition, your clients will be able to rely on your system to maintain regulatory compliance in the completion of their projects.


Maybe you know there’s a need for a fully-developed Project Management system in your organization, but who has the time?  Even if you have one, are you getting the most out of it?  What would even a modest improvement – 2%, 5%, 10% in your project delivery mean to your organization? A “system” is so much more than a piece of software.  Software is a critical tool in your system, which is why we can work with any software you have or we can help you select and implement one.  But AMPM can help you establish a truly comprehensive Project Management system that focuses on overall business performance and successful project delivery.



AMPM's services allow the processes, tools, and people you invest in can do their jobs controlling project costs and schedules. Best methods and practices can be designed for better business performance. AMPM allows you to establish and administer project governance to optimize the use of resources and business execution. You can see management level dashboards and reporting to monitor, analyze, and control performance. AMPM's services can perform the necessary research and evaluation of project performance metrics to let you understand factors affecting project delivery and profitability.  AMPM can implement a system that gives you the ability to quickly and easily issue forecasts as well as proactively respond to problems and risks, making better use of information to understand the impacts of project changes.  

AMPM Services are broadly broken into 3 categories:

  • Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Project Management Office (PMO) Approach- A PMO approach can help create the governance for your Project Management processes and help assure quality and compliance.  If your organization wants to plan, execute, and monitor assets and projects more effectively internally; you can use AMPM's consulting services to initiate, implement, and integrate the internal processes, metrics, people, software, and tools needed to achieve radically improved results.
  • Virtual PMO - Using virtual means, AMPM can provide a Virutal PMO with active monitoring, project coordination functions, process assurance, on-demand analysis, tracking, report scrubbing, and delivering authentic management support right to your inbox!
  • Specialized PMO Services - If you like the idea of better program or project controls and performance, but aren't in need of a full system implementation, instead you may have one, two, or three-.....hundred, special projects or assignments.  AMPM is here to support any of your Project Management needs.  We want to handle those strategic items getting pushed to the bottom of your to-do list such as organizing a certain staff training program, tracking particular project metrics, deploying one particular mobile technology, gaining a particular certification/accreditation, and everything in-between.

Once you have a system, you can tell the world! Your shiny new documented processes and verified systems become a valuable marketing tool to show your organization knows how to deliver projects. Using in-place systems delivered by AMPM, you can publish current and recall past project data faster than ever. There’s no more need to play “Where’s Waldo” with your project data. Instead, you’ll be able to use accurate records to inform stakeholders about successful past performance, report on current statuses, or even issue "live" views of active project conditions. Because AMPM doesn’t just deliver methods, but also the messaging, you’ll be able to use communication planning to assure your project teams and project stakeholders have necessary and timely information.  A partnership with AMPM can provide better service and expertise on your next project.

Here are the key aspects of our Project Management services:

Using AMPM’s services, you’ll have access to any amount of data your system was designed to collect. You’ll be able to easily retrieve historical project information you can use to analyze past performance of employees, resources, teams, vendors, and subcontractors. You can establish new performance metrics based on historical analysis, implement new training and coaching based on lessons learned, as well as share successes with teams and stakeholders. Using issue and risk histories you can develop new strategies. You can provide your organization as well as your clients with complete project repositories.


With AMPM’s services, you can use your methodologies and systems to assure the comprehension of employee roles and responsibilities. You’ll be able to analyze relevant management-level information to optimize the productivity of your employees and resources. You’ll also be able to understand how potential new projects fit into your existing workload and any constraints you’ll need to address.  AMPM can help you provide adequate training/coaching to improve capabilities and increase engagement. Most importantly, your system will deliver usable information and reporting to monitor and evaluate resource performance.